Sewerage PE80 Type 1

Raw material:PE80
Pipe type: Type 1
Standard:EN12201 – 2 : 2011+A1:2013
Standard description: Plastic piping systems for water supply, and for drainage and sewerage under pressure
Installation:Installation guidelines
Package info:Package information

SDR11 PN12,5

dn x en (mm)

Weight (kg/m)



40 x 3,70,424

On order

6m; 50m; 100m (up to 3 km in coil*)

50 x 4,60,659

On order

6m; 50m; 100m (up to 1,5 km in coil*)

63 x 5,81,040

On order

6m; 50m; 100m (up to 1 km in coil*)

On order – Quantity according to the agreement
* – special length by customer order

SDR13,6 PN10

dn x en (mm)

Weight (kg/m)



40 x 3,00,354

On order

100m (up to 3 km in coil*)

50 x 3,70,550

On order

100m (up to 1,5 km in coil*)

63 x 4,70,869

On order

6m; 50m; 100m; 200m (up to 1 km in coil*)

75 x 5,61,230

On order

6m; 100m (up to 800 m in coil*)

90 x 6,71,760

On order

6m; 100m (up to 400 m in coil*)

110 x 8,12,630

On order

6m; 100m (up to 300 m in coil*)

On order – Quantity according to the agreement
* – special length by customer order


dn x en (mm)

Weight (kg/m)



50 x 3,00,460

On order

100m (up to 1,5 km in coil*)

63 x 3,80,730

On order

6m; 100m (up to 1 km in coil*)

75 x 4,51,030

On order

6m; 100m (up to 800 m in coil*)

90 x 5,41,470

On order

6m; 100m (up to 400 m in coil*)

110 x 6,62,190

On order

6m; 100m (up to 300 m in coil*)

On order – Quantity according to the agreement
* – special length by customer order

© HAKA Plast | Tööstuse 35, 45201, Kadrina, Estonia | hakaplast[at]

HAKA Plast OÜ varustuskindluse tagamine. Projekti eesmärk on elektrifitseerimine eesmärgiga suurendada varustuskindlust, mille tulemusena väheneb HAKA Plast OÜ sõltuvus fossiilkütuste kasutamisest. Projekti raames soetati elektrilised tõstukid. Projekt on kaasrahastatud Euroopa Liit taasterahastu NextGeneration EU vahenditest. Toetuse summa 39 350€.


HAKA Plasti digitaliseerimise teekaardi elluviimine. Projekt on rahastatud Euroopa Liit taasterahastu NextGeneration EU vahenditest. Toetuse summa 276 549,12€.