Electrofusion fittings

HAKA Plast sells on electrofusion fittings for geothermal heating system installation. Available are electrofusion sockets, bends (45° and 90°) and tees (90°).

Drill-hole cover with gasket

HAKA Plast also sells on drill-hole covers with gaskets. These covers are used to cover the casing pipe during the installation of vertical geothermal heating systems. The drill-hole cover holds the pipes in place and secures the end of the casing pipe. Drill-hole cover has a gasket, which can be regulated by the bolts.

Additional weight

Additional weights can be attached to the vertical geothermal heating collectors made by HAKA Plast.

Pre-insulated pipe

As a special product HAKA Plast makes also pre-insulated pipes. The diameters of pressure pipes that can be insulated are Ø63mm-Ø160mm and the lengths of the pipes are 6m or 12m.

© HAKA Plast | Tööstuse 35, 45201, Kadrina, Estonia | hakaplast[at]hakaplast.ee


HAKA Plast OÜ varustuskindluse tagamine. Projekti eesmärk on elektrifitseerimine eesmärgiga suurendada varustuskindlust, mille tulemusena väheneb HAKA Plast OÜ sõltuvus fossiilkütuste kasutamisest. Projekti raames soetati elektrilised tõstukid. Projekt on kaasrahastatud Euroopa Liit taasterahastu NextGeneration EU vahenditest. Toetuse summa 39 350€.


HAKA Plasti digitaliseerimise teekaardi elluviimine. Projekt on rahastatud Euroopa Liit taasterahastu NextGeneration EU vahenditest. Toetuse summa 276 549,12€.